April 3rd - April 9th is National Library Week. I'm not sure how may of you guys utilize your local library, but here are a few tips to get you interested, possibly get you started or even level up your current usage.
Library cards are free. You usually just have to show up in person and show them your ID.
Outside of hard copy books they offer digital content.
You can apply for a Brooklyn Public Library card no matter what state you reside in for a $50 annual fee. (Apply here: https://disc.bklynlibrary.org/card/)
The New York Public Library has a FREE digital collection where you can view their old photography pics.
If your library doesn't have a book that you're interested in, you can always request it (process varies by branch). You can request books by some of your Indie favs if you have the ISBN for the book.
I’m still go to library on every three weeks for my weight loss journey and eating clean.
I have two library cards (tho I think one of them expires this year 😢) and love using them for digital books!!