Alright, HHB, I know we’ve read about some serious f*ck boys in the past, but I think Otto from Lakia’s Riding the Storm with a Street King takes the cake. In this quick little write up, I’m gonna give you three reasons why Otto is one of the biggest f*ck boys in f*ck boy history.
1.) Taking after his father, October, Otto was a pimp. Although not “pimp enough” for October, Otto was still emotionally, physically, and mentally abusive to the women who worked for him, including his girlfriend, Tessa.
2.) Although he claimed to love Tessa, he was so controlling that when she did something he didn’t approve of, i.e., using birth control, he thought it was appropriate to “punish” her, as if he was her daddy; more specifically, he shipped her off to Florida, where a Category 5 hurricane was on the way. When she realized she was in real danger, she attempted to call him, only for him to hang up in her face…twice.
3.) And last but certainly not least, he slept with her mother. No further explanation needed.
This was definitely an entertaining read. I need y’all to read this (it’s a pretty short read, 178 pages) and just tell me who’s a worse boy than Otto!