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Reviewing Life After Death by Sista Souljah

I remember sitting at the movie theater watching Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, and as I'm watching it, I had an aha moment. That movie wasn't about two superheroes fighting… No, it had a deeper meaning; it was about God vs man vs the devil. If it went over your head, then Life After Death will probably do you the same way.

Disclaimer! You must read and rate this without your own expectations, but with an open mind to receive the message Sista Souljah graced us with. It isn't your usual urban fiction read, nothing about this read is usual.

Winter Santiaga must go through a lot of self-reflection, one of the many themes in the book, to develop as a character. It only took her 15 years, but she does get there.

This read, for me, was raw, poetic, spiritual, a journey through bad and good. I also loved the ode to the 90's, the best era. Sista Souljah gave you all this and many messages along the way.

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