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Interview with Quardeay

Quardeay Julien stopped by Hopeful Heartbreakers for an exclusive interview. Keep scrolling to read his exclusive interview.

1. How has your environment, upbringing, where you live, influenced your writing?

Through my life, I’ve endured a ton of tragedy and experiences that still play a major role in my writing today. From the murder of my uncle, to the loss of my best friend to suicide, to witnessing crime take place right in front of me. Those things never really leave your mind. And how could they?

2. What’s something you are really good at that few people know?

I’m actually a very great cook. Lol I can whip up pretty much anything but my favorite dish to prepare is Smoked Salmon or Stuffed Salmon. Even though I consider myself more of a breakfast man which should make my future wife very happy because she’ll always wake up to a hot meal right in front of her.

3. Name an author you dream to collab with?

There’s so many authors that I hope I have the chance to work with. Cyn Alexander is a must at some point. She’s absolutely amazing. I would love to write an erotic project with T.L Hayes and India Norfleet as well. But before 2021 I would really love to work with NAKO. I love her writing style.

4. Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

Growing up I had a love for erotic novels. Zane. Mary. B Morrison. Eric Jerome Dickey. Those were my favorites. They influenced my journey in the literary world more than they know. I was always enticed with the idea of becoming an author but more so after I began posting short stories to a positive reception. From there, I never looked back and never plan to.

5. What are your top three favorite books of all time?

Hands down the book Holes that eventually became a movie is my hands down favorite read. My second would God’s Gift to Women by Micheal Baisden and lastly, The Other Woman by Eric Jerome Dickey.

6. Who are some of your favorite authors that you feel were influential in your work? What impact have they had on your writing?

Eric Jerome Dickey and Donald Goines were two male authors that definitely influenced my hustle in the writing world. They taught me that there is a place in the industry for males and that my pen is my weapon. Zane of course brought forth a comfortability in the erotic field. My publisher Tiece Mickens has always been my greatest ear when I have an idea or storyline. Without her, some of my craziest books may not have been brought to life.

7. What do you think most characterizes your writing?

To put it simply, my writing does three things. Entices. Educates and Entertains.

8. How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

Over the years, I’ve spent more time allowing my stories to flow instead of trying to rush to every major climax. My characters are much more developed than in the past. I don’t focus on writing in one genre and I’d never limit myself to what I can do. Because in my mind, I am Limitless.

9. What inspires you?

The ability to entertain and bring joy to the world with my art is what inspires me. The possibility of providing a life of luxury for my family with my art inspires. I’m inspired by the love of those around me who push me to do better every single day.

10. When you develop characters do you already know who they are before you begin writing or do you let them develop as you go?

It’s funny because often in the industry, our characters speak for us. We can think we know them, but they always find a way to surprise us midway through. LOL My characters just tend to develop on their own in any crazy way possible.

11. Out of all the books you’ve written, do you have a favorite?

Lil Mama from the Trenches. Hands down. It was my favorite story to tell because I was able to give a tribute to the hard work and dedication of Black Women and Black Mothers. Something that the world tries to underrate daily. I always recommend for people to read that book before any others. That book is extremely special to me.

12. What’s the strangest thing you have had to research for a book?

The price of cocaine was an interesting one. Having to research how eating an ass tasted for my porn star character was another one. My all-time favorite though was researching ways to dispose of a body! If people looked at my search engine, they would swear that I’m a serial killer. LOL

13. What are you working on now?

I’m currently putting together a wild erotic short story that is set in Milwaukee and will likely have an August release. This will be a highly shocking story with a WILDDDDD title. But of-course my 30th book comes Monday, titled Only If He Knew. This will be a crazy read and it starts my next 10 book journey off just right!

14. How do you decide what you will work on next?

I try to piece them by word count and whether it’s a series or standalone in a notebook. But I always end up switching things around at some point. LOL.

15. Where can readers find out more about you and your work?

Check me out on Amazon for all of my books that are all available on Kindle Unlimited. Follow my reader group Literary Lust for hot topics and great conversation as well. You can always stay updated on my next projects or my crazy life through my Twitter @Quardeay or my FB page!

Bonus: Brown or clear liquor?

Both in the same glass. Gotta do it big! Patron and Hennessy to be exact.

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