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Interview With Love Belvin

My friends have been telling me to read Love Belvin's work for at least a year now and now that I've read it, I'm upset with myself for not starting sooner. I recently read her Wayward Love series and I am absolutely smitten with her writing. So much so, I've included that series and it's characters in some of my other blog content. At this point, it was only right that I reach out to see if she would come kick with Hopeful Heartbreakers. Keep scrolling so you can get to meet the fabulous author behind that magical pen.

1. What started you on your path to writing?

My enjoyment of reading romance is what made me want to write it. I decided in undergrad after devouring Eric Jerome Dickey’s catalog. My major, in school, required lots of writing I hated. So, I decided in my fourth year, I’d write a romance novel in no time and it would be great. Boy, was that a joke!

2. What were some of the challenges you faced on the road to publication?

The biggest challenge for me was simply finishing the story. I didn’t control the reins of my clients’ “sessions,” and let them freestyle. I was also progressing in my personal life becoming an adult, causing me to put aside the “book” for years to tend to my own life. Finally, after getting my Master’s degree and not having luck finding work in 2012, I picked up that “book,” and took writing it seriously.

3. How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

Evolution in my writing is a constant phenomenon. With each project I begin, there’s something—a weakness in my writing—that’s highlighted in my mind for correction. I try lessening my voice outside of dialogue—at least, that’s been my attempt this go round. I’ve not been as successful as I’d like, but because I’m cognizant of the issue, I know it’s changed my writing/recording process. There are always new ways I try presenting my clients to the reader.

4. What cultural value do you see in writing/storytelling?

The type of writing I do has the cultural value of perpetuating the possibility of meaningful, monogamous, soul-stirring, romantic love. There’s a needed value of that in Black culture.

5. What are the upsides and downsides of being an author?

The upside of being a published author is reaching people emotionally by way of words. It’s magical. The downside is encountering that expressive reader who is raving about your work and “superior” writing abilities from one project, and then abandoning you on your the next. While it doesn’t make me question my talent, it does make it hard to receive praise in general from readers, because it can be so fickle. In spite of that, I absolutely love what I do.

6. What has been one of your most rewarding experiences as an author?

Seeing/meeting readers at signings. The love when we meet is explosive. Being able to receive their generous energy and share mine should be bottled.

7. Do you insert your persona or personal experiences in your books/characters at all?

I don’t at all. I’m actually drawn to those who are least like me. There are some things we may have in common, but they are their own beings.

8. Do your characters hijack the story or do you feel like you have the reins of the story?

We go back and forth. I tend to have control while they give me background (character development), but once that’s over, I turn them loose and let them go buck wild until I have to close the story. Balance.

9. Do you have any quirky writing habits?

Other than a candle and occasional music and wine, no quirky habits.

10. Out of all the books you’ve written, do you have a favorite?

I’m always asked this. Nope. Nah. No. I love them all equally.

11. Where do you see yourself and your work in five years?

I’m still waiting on the opportunity at getting my work in new formats: movies, television, etc. Prayerfully, I’ll see it come into fruition in the next five years.

12. What’s something memorable you have heard from your readers/fans?

The most memorable thing I get from readers—my hardcore, loyal ones—are soul-stirring prayers. They pray for me, and there is no better support than that.

13. Are there any misconceptions that people have about your books? If so, explain.

That I’m unreasonable with releasing subsequent installments of a series. It’s so untrue. I only work with one couple at a time. I don’t skip from project to project. I work until it’s done. It takes about four months to complete a LB-length novel (I’ve done some in less than that). My books are often 135,000 words, and several are more. A project like that cannot be produced (by me) in weeks.

Why some readers are dissatisfied with my timing varies, I’m sure. I can only guess it’s because they’re used to other authors releasing in quick successions. I doubt if those books are the length of one of mine. So it’s an unfair expectation, and a misconception that my timing is unreasonable.

14. What character in your books are you least likely to get along with?

Probably Jade from the “Connecticut Kings” series. She’s insecure and closes all roads to her husband, who I’d get along with. LOL! I know her actions are misunderstood. She has only the purest intentions for her family, but unless she likes you, you won’t like my Jade. LOL!

15. Where can readers find out more about you and your work?

The best place is my website where information is released first.

I’m on the medias that are “social,” too:

Twitter @LoveBelvin

Goodreads: Love Belvin

and on Instagram @LoveBelvin

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01 mai 2020

I love her work. I try to understand what she means about spacing her books but man it’s her fault for getting us addicted to these storylines.

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