
Mar 24, 20204 min

10 Top Urban Fiction Sex Scenes

Sex, sex, sex (Alexa, play Freak Like Me by Adina Howard)! It's in just about EVERY urban fiction book you read. Which doesn't bother me, but if i'm going to read about, I would like for it to be good! And of course, I can't list all of the sex scenes I've ever read, but I can list the most memorable ones. Get ready, after you read the books on this list i'm sure you'll need a cool drink and an even cooler shower. (Side note: The sex in these books does not take away from the stories. They're actually good reads, all sex aside.)

The Bed We Mady by Ivy Symone

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Bed-We-Made-Ivy-Symone-ebook/dp/B06XJDD7ZX/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+bed+we+made+by+ivy+symone&qid=1585013858&s=digital-text&sr=1-1

Asad and Niecy have a chemistry like no other. I think their sex is so bomb because it's forbidden. These two can't keep their hands off one another. It's a sex scene in just about every chapter of this book. I think the fact that Niecy is a squirter makes their scenes all the more interesting to read about.

Flow by Kennedy Ryan

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/FLOW-GRIP-Book-Kennedy-Ryan-ebook/dp/B06WWRRXVK/ref=pd_sim_351_2/145-6127870-5957354?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B06WWRRXVK&pd_rd_r=a8984acf-d62a-447a-be92-2db1c8a0673d&pd_rd_w=9tHwV&pd_rd_wg=AMllk&pf_rd_p=bab57536-7c8f-4781-a8ed-3e270b9cd303&pf_rd_r=C33A74WE20QRMZJAYMS1&psc=1&refRID=C33A74WE20QRMZJAYMS1

Marlon aka Grip and Bristol are an unconventional couple by every definition. But that doesn't stop them from having bomb ass sex throughout the entire series. The sex in the first installment is pretty light, but by the end of the second installment you won't be able to read fast enough. If you're an audible listener like me, Jakobi Diem makes this read even more exhilarating.

The Lonely Pole by Takerra Allen

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081YJKK6L?ref_=dbs_r_series&storeType=ebooks

Trip Fontaine is everything a book bae should be, his swagger is through the roof! In my opinion he's the entire package. Good looking, charming, street savvy and packing some bomb ass "D"!!! The way he puts it on Baby in this book had me drooling. Get you a napkin to dab at your mouth while reading this one.

Be With Me, Strickland Sisters Book 3 by Alexandria House

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Be-Me-Strickland-Sisters-Book-ebook/dp/B075ZKJZL8/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585014012&sr=8-1

Nicole Strickland may have been the youngest Strickland sister, but sis was not the least experienced. Her and Damon were getting it in the entire book! I know we can't always use great sex as a gauge in a relationship, but sometimes the sex is great because of our feelings toward the other person. That theory is embodied in this story.

The Low of Love, The Wayward Love Series Book 2 by Love Belvin

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Low-Love-Wayward-Book-ebook/dp/B01MRC0RYL/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+low+of+love+by+love+belvin&qid=1585014047&sr=8-1

Isaak and Kennedi, or should I say Issy and Sunset. Kennedi and Isask are from two totally different walks in life, neither thinks they are good enough for the other. But what is good, is their sex life! Kennedi starts off thinking she just wants Isaak to help her lose her virginity so she can move on to the guy of her choosing. What she wasn't expecting was too be dickmatized! The sex scenes are good in the entire series, but if I have to choose, book two is the best to me.

Love. Allure by Jai Bree'nae

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081YM9J1F?ref_=dbs_r_series&storeType=ebooks

I just wished Jai could've added me in as a character for this series. There are four brothers in this book, Adrian, Drake, Dru and Drennen Pierce. It's no need for me to tell you about one brother specifically because all four are putting it down in this series. Read with caution, I wouldn't want you to turn in to a book thot like me.

Keeping Willow by Jacinta Howard

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Keeping-Willow-Prototype-Book-3-ebook/dp/B074PP7HJP/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585011968&sr=1-1

Call me weird, but there's nothing more interesting to read than an inexperienced woman learning how to become a sex kitten with an experienced man. Willow starts out as a virgin in this series but she doesn't let that hinder her sexual prowess. I actually think the learning part is what makes these sex scenes all the more interesting to read.

Getting Schooled (The Wright Brothers Book 1) by Christina C. Jones

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Schooled-Wright-Brothers-Book-ebook/dp/B01AIS80FK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36BV9HCR68V65&keywords=getting+schooled+by+christina+jones&qid=1585012358&s=digital-text&sprefix=getting+schooled+by+chr%2Cdigital-text%2C186&sr=1-1

One of the many things I like about reading is, it forces you to think outside the box. That's exactly what CCJ mastered with this book here. Never would I have imagined myself banging a handicapped person! Jason is missing a leg, he lost it in a tragic military accident, but that does not hinder his sex game. When I tell you baby boy puts it down on Reese in this book! Maybe losing one appendage makes the other ones work way better (lol).

Soulmates Dissipate by Mary B. Morrison

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Soulmates-Dissipate-Mary-B-Morrison-ebook/dp/B00D2WC4AW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SG531EI84ZWE&keywords=soulmates+dissipate+series&qid=1585012874&s=digital-text&sprefix=soulmates+dissipa%2Cdigital-text%2C192&sr=1-1

If you have never read a Mary B. Morrison book, I suggest you start now. Mary B. Morrison is known for her epic sex scenes and this series here did not disappoint. Jada and Wellington are two of the freakiest characters I've read about in a while. If you want to read about bomb ass sex with all kinds of drama, this book is it for you.

Pleasure by Eric Jerome Dickey

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Pleasure-Book-Eric-Jerome-Dickey-ebook/dp/B00139XSW4/ref=pd_sim_351_1/145-6127870-5957354?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00139XSW4&pd_rd_r=940dd259-214a-41f3-96e6-356831ca4746&pd_rd_w=f93kY&pd_rd_wg=VHJiB&pf_rd_p=bab57536-7c8f-4781-a8ed-3e270b9cd303&pf_rd_r=63JFPPYWV7KB7R8J3Z7D&psc=1&refRID=63JFPPYWV7KB7R8J3Z7D

You have to be living under a rock to not know that EJD is the king of literary sex scenes. All of his books bring out the freak in me, but this one by far is the freakiest. I mean, read the title. Nia Simone Bijou is one of the most uninhibited women I have ever read about. Nothing is off limits and she's open to just about EVERYTHING! It doesn't get any freakier than this.
